GMT 027: Digital Marketing Tools and Tactics
On this episode, I interview the Digital Marketing Guy, Matthew Bivens, as he shares his favorite tools and tactics for getting more done as a marketer.
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On this episode, I interview the Digital Marketing Guy, Matthew Bivens, as he shares his favorite tools and tactics for getting more done as a marketer.
On this episode, we’re diving into a popular competitive intelligence tool called iSpionage, with their Director of Marketing, Joe Putnam.
On this episode, Ralph M. Rivera of Rahvalor Interactive joins us to discuss how marketers can get more done in less time, using the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology.
On this episode, we discuss agile marketing tools and tactics with Frank Days, one of the pioneers in the agile marketing movement.
On this episode we explore email outreach tools and tactics, with Alex Berman from InspireBeats, as he shares what his team has learned from sending over 1 million cold outreach emails.
On this episode, we’re chatting with social media consultant Ian Anderson Gray, as he shares his favorite social media marketing tools and tactics.
On this episode, we’re chatting with Gael Breton, the founder of Authority Hacker, as he shares his favorite tools and tactics for building authority sites.
On this episode, we’re talking with Sujan Patel, the cofounder of Content Marketer, as he shares his favorite marketing tools and growth hacks.
On this episode, the founder of Hiver joins us to discuss email collaboration, managing influencer outreach, and how his platform helps you and your team get more done with Gmail.
Viktor Nagornyy joins us to discuss his favorite inbound marketing tools, why you should avoid random acts of marketing, and how you can turn your website into a marketing automation machine.
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