
GMT 268: What is Microsoft Clarity?

Nicholas Scalice

268: What is Microsoft Clarity?

Nicholas Scalice         Nicholas Scalice        
268: What is Microsoft Clarity?           268: What is Microsoft Clarity?          
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    On this episode, the product manager for Microsoft’s newest marketing tool called Microsoft Clarity joins me to discuss how it works and how it can help you get better insights about your website visitors.

    Ravi is a Product Manager at Microsoft, leading the Microsoft Clarity team. He has been working at Microsoft for almost a decade in Search, AI and analytics space.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What is Microsoft Clarity?
    • How to get started with it
    • Why behavioral analytics tools work

    Tools and resources mentioned in this episode:

    Connect with Ravi:

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    About the Podcast

    Growth Marketing Toolbox is a weekly podcast by Nicholas Scalice exploring the best growth marketing tools and technology. You’ll hear candid interviews with the folks who make, market, and use these marketing tools.

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