
GMT 001: Introduction, What to Expect, and Podcasting Tools

Nicholas Scalice

001: Introduction, What to Expect, and Podcasting Tools

Nicholas Scalice         Nicholas Scalice        
001: Introduction, What to Expect, and Podcasting Tools           001: Introduction, What to Expect, and Podcasting Tools          
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    On this very first episode of Inbound Unboxed, I share my vision for the show, how it is structured, and which podcasting tools I’m using to make it all work.

    Well, I finally launched a podcast. After months of mulling around, wondering if the world needs yet another marketing podcast, I fired up the old new microphone, booted up Audio Hijack, and started recording.

    The name of the series, Inbound Unboxed, represents a digital “unboxing” of sorts, where I’ll be sharing, reviewing, and dissecting the latest and greatest inbound marketing tools, software, apps, and technology.

    What’s the show about?

    Here’s a more complex summary of what this podcast series is all about:

    Inbound Unboxed explores the latest and greatest inbound marketing tools, technology, and tactics. You can expect candid interviews with the folks who make the tools, market the tools, and use the tools. You’ll walk away with actionable marketing tips, tricks, and tactics that marketers and entrepreneurs can start using right away. Your host, Nicholas Scalice will cover tools related to marketing automation, conversion rate optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization, paid advertising, A/B testing, copywriting, email marketing, and more!

    I’ll be interviewing the folks who create these tools, market these tools, and of course, use these tools. Everyone from CEOs of SaaS startups, to HubSpot consultants and more.

    What’s the format?

    The show format will primarily consist of 20-30 minute interviews, with a focus on marketing tools that you can use right away.

    I’ll try to record and publish at least one new episode per week, but hopefully more than that at least early on.
    If you don’t walk away from every episode with at least a few new tools that you had not heard of before, or had not considered using, then I didn’t do my job.

    Which tools am I using?

    Lastly, since this is a show about inbound marketing tools, I can’t end an episode without mentioning at least a few tools.
    In this case, I’ll cover some of the tools that I’m using to launch this very podcast series.

    For recording, I’m using Audio Hijack, which is a fantastic audio recording program for Mac.

    My microphone of choice is an Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR, which I bought as part of a package (with a pop filter and boom stand) on Amazon.

    The interviews are recorded via Skype, which has been working surprisingly well in terms of audio quality.
    I’m hosting the show at Libsyn. After doing tons of research on the best podcast hosts, they won, hands down. And their support is fantastic.

    Lastly, to embed the show on my blog, I’m using Pat Flynn’s Smart Podcast Player. See the red bar at the top of this post? That’s what I’m talking about. Click the play button on that red bar to listen to this very first episode, if you haven’t done so already.

    How can it get better?

    Since the show is brand new, and podcasting is a relatively new area for me, I’m counting on your feedback in order to make this the best show possible.

    Let me know what you think of the first few episodes, and what can make future episodes better. Be honest. It’s all about giving you the most value possible in the shortest amount of time. Contact me via email or on Twitter to share your thoughts, or drop a comment below.

    That’s all for now. I’m really excited about where Inbound Unboxed is going, and hopefully you’ll join me for the ride.

    Recent Episodes:

    GMT 276: Email Marketing Trends

    On this episode, learn what’s working today with email marketing from a globally-recognized digital agency that was established in 1999.

    GMT 274: Ready for GA4?

    On this episode, the co-founder and CEO of CallTrackingMetrics Todd Fisher joins me to discuss what marketers need to know to get prepared for Google Analytics 4.

    GMT 277: Optimize Your Ads

    On this episode, the VP of Marketing for Creatopy joins me to discuss actionable tips on optimizing your ad campaigns in 2023.

    GMT 276: Email Marketing Trends

    On this episode, learn what’s working today with email marketing from a globally-recognized digital agency that was established in 1999.

    GMT 274: Ready for GA4?

    On this episode, the co-founder and CEO of CallTrackingMetrics Todd Fisher joins me to discuss what marketers need to know to get prepared for Google Analytics 4.

    GMT 277: Optimize Your Ads

    On this episode, the VP of Marketing for Creatopy joins me to discuss actionable tips on optimizing your ad campaigns in 2023.

    GMT 276: Email Marketing Trends

    On this episode, learn what’s working today with email marketing from a globally-recognized digital agency that was established in 1999.

    About the Podcast

    Growth Marketing Toolbox is a weekly podcast by Nicholas Scalice exploring the best growth marketing tools and technology. You’ll hear candid interviews with the folks who make, market, and use these marketing tools.

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