On this episode, we’re digging into the science of neuromarketing, as we cover specific tools and tactics that can help you truly understand your customers and get them to take action.
Felix Cao comes from 15 years of sales and marketing experience, in which nearly a decade of those years were in the tech and mobile space. Felix has also been featured in the HuffPost, Adweek, and others. Today, he combines his 15 years of marketing experience with his background in biological science and psychology to help businesses truly understand what makes their customer’s brains tick when it comes to better persuading them to choose to buy from their businesses over their competitors through the power of implementing neuromarketing into their own marketing campaigns.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What is the “Happy Buying Brain?”
- How can marketers utilize marketing psychology tactics?
- What are some of the common myths about neuromarketing?
- And much more!